Veterinary and Animal Care FacilitiesEngine House No. 1 is proud to be one of 3 firms in the nation to be chosen by the American Animal Hospital Association as a plan review consultant.
Our expertise in planning and design for animal facilities has brought us many interesting clients over the years, as the list of Projects below will show. While Clydesdale Hall at the University of Missouri, Columbia is not on the list, Ms. Smith served as project manager for that project while she was a partner at another architecture firm. Clydesdale Hall houses the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the University. It accommodates state-of-the-art facilities for small animals, livestock and horses. Animal facilities have unique needs. Their ventilation and plumbing systems are intensive. Their need for materials durable against water, chemicals, vermin and animal activity requires special knowledge on the part of the designer. Our firm has the experience to do "animal design" well. |
St. Louis County Animal/Vector Control Shelter
Webster Groves Animal Hospital
Wildlife Center of Missouri, Castlewood, Missouri
St. Louis Zoo, 1904 World's Fair Flight Cage, Holding/Support Facility and New Entrances
Warren Bilhartz Animal Shelter of Collinsville, Illinois
Florissant Animal Hospital, Surgery and Treatment Suites
St. Louis Public Schools, Gateway Institute of Technology, Animal Laboratory for Pre-veterinary Program
Wildlife Education Center Clinic Expansion, Penitentiary Glen Nature Center, Lake Metroparks, Kirtland, Ohio
Critter Alley Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Master Plan/Facility Needs Assessment and Raccoon Facility, Lansing, Michigan
Webster Groves Animal Hospital
Wildlife Center of Missouri, Castlewood, Missouri
St. Louis Zoo, 1904 World's Fair Flight Cage, Holding/Support Facility and New Entrances
Warren Bilhartz Animal Shelter of Collinsville, Illinois
Florissant Animal Hospital, Surgery and Treatment Suites
St. Louis Public Schools, Gateway Institute of Technology, Animal Laboratory for Pre-veterinary Program
Wildlife Education Center Clinic Expansion, Penitentiary Glen Nature Center, Lake Metroparks, Kirtland, Ohio
Critter Alley Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Master Plan/Facility Needs Assessment and Raccoon Facility, Lansing, Michigan
Professional Affiliations
Plan review consultant for the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)
Associate member, Missouri Veterinary Medical Association
Associate member, Missouri Veterinary Medical Association
To the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA). "Planning for Your Sustainable Dream Facility" workshop. 1997